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Department of natural science training
The main task of the department of natural science training is to expand and deepen the knowledge of applicants for higher education in the disciplines of fundamental scientific training, as a necessary component of professional and scientific research activities; formation of the ability of future teachers and psychologists to use information and communication technologies in professional and scientific activities, organization and implementation of distance learning technologies, innovative technologies of psychological assistance. Отдельной задачей cafedry is the implementation of methodical and consulting support of the institute's teachers in improving informational competence.
The main disciplines taught by the department are:
New information technologies Informatics * (Information technologies and technical tools) Basics of computer science and computer applications in psychology
Psychological aspects of PR technologists
Preschool linguistic education
Basics of inclusive education
Ukrainian language (by professional direction)
Mathematics (algebra and principles of analysis, geometry)
Mathematical methods in psychology
Geography Defense of the Fatherland *(Fundamentals of medical knowledge)
Fundamentals of pathopsychology
Basics of psychocorrection
Psychology of conflict
Workshop on group psychocorrection Art therapy
Modern theories of profound psychological
Physiology and hygiene of children of preschool age
Special psychology
Physiology of the central nervous system and higher nervous activity
Age physiology and valeology
Fundamentals of human biology and genetics Fundamentals of medical knowledge
Biology and ecology

Alina Teplitskaya
Head of the department, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences

Tais Kuznetsova
Specialist of the highest category,
Methodist teacher

Viktor First
Andrey Kargapolov
Doctor of Medical Sciences
Candidate of technical sciences

Інна Ліпчевська
Викладач, доктор філософії

Halyna Drymko
Teacher, specialist
And categories

Євгеній Ханкін
Викладач, спеціаліст вищої категорії
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