Правила приема в ВУЗ МГПИ "Бейт-Хана" для иностранных граждан и лиц без _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5c f58d_ _cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_citizens
Enrollment of entrants from among foreigners to study at the expense of individuals and / or legal entities may be carried out:
(before and at the beginning of the academic year) but not later than November 1 and March 1, respectively), to obtain the degrees of junior bachelor, bachelor, master;
2) acceptance of applications from entrants from among foreigners is carried out from 11.01 .2022 to 26.02.2022 and from 01.08.2022 to 28.11.2022. and until 30.11.2022.
The Admissions Committee calculates the points / grades of the entrant on the basis of the document on the previous level of education and sets the minimum required for admission the number of points / grades in general subjects for which the entrance examination is conducted.
_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58 of entrance exams in certain subjects and languages and on the basis of academic rights to continue education, provided by the document on the level of education in the country of origin, and taking into account continuing education at the next level of higher education in accordance with the legislation of the country that issued the document on the degree (level) of education.
Competitive selection and enrollment of foreigners for a bachelor's degree is based on the results of entrance examinations in Ukrainian, English and mathematics or geography in all specialties.
Competitive selection and enrollment of foreigners for a master's degree is based on the results of entrance examinations in a foreign language and specialty, taking into account the average score of the document on higher education of bachelor or master (specialist).
_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_All categories of foreigners entering the study are enrolled in the Institute on the basis of enrollment orders formed in EDEBO.
The Institute's requirements for the compliance of foreign entrants who came to Ukraine for study with the conditions of admission to the relevant levels of higher education are specified in the Admission Rules and published on the official website of the Institute.
4. All categories of foreigners entering the study are enrolled in the Institute on the basis of enrollment orders. Confirmation of the fact of training can be a certificate generated in EDEBO.
5. Requirements of the Institute on the suitability of entrants from among foreigners who came to Ukraine to study, the conditions of admission to the appropriate levels of higher education, as well as deadlines for applications and documents, entrance examinations, creative competitions and enrollment are specified in the Rules of Admission and published on the official website of the Institute.
To obtain degrees of higher education are accepted:
- Persons who have completed general secondary education for a bachelor's degree.
- persons who have obtained a bachelor's, master's degree (OQR specialist) for a master's degree.
- persons who have obtained a bachelor's degree, master's degree (OQR specialist) for a bachelor's degree in another specialty.
In order to obtain a higher education degree in another specialty, persons who have obtained the same or higher degree (level) or obtain it for at least one year and fully implement an individual curriculum are accepted.
Entrants are accepted for training in the following courses.
For the introduction are submitted:
1. Document (original and copy) on previously obtained education, on the basis of which admission is carried out.
2. Appendix (original and copy) to the document on previously received education, on the basis of which the admission is made.
3. Academic certificate issued by the educational institution in case of transfer / renewal.
4. The original and a copy of the document, which contains information about the content of the curriculum at the previous level (level) of higher education, credits received, duration of study and success in academic disciplines for admission to a master's degree.
5. A copy of a document certifying the identity of a foreigner or a stateless person.
6. Health insurance policy, unless otherwise provided by international agreements of Ukraine.
7. 4 photos measuring 30x40 mm.
8. Copy of the certificate of a foreign Ukrainian.
9. Return ticket with open date of return to the Homeland for up to 1 year.
The documents from items 1-5 must be translated into Ukrainian and have a notarized certificate.
The documents referred to in paragraphs 1-4 must be certified in the country of issue in the manner officially used in that country for such certification and legalized by the relevant legislative institution of Ukraine, unless otherwise provided by international treaties of Ukraine.
Admission of foreign citizens and stateless persons