History of the institute
1995 - the beginning of the activity of the women's pedagogical school.
At the origins of its creation were the chairman of the Or-Avner Chabad Lubavich Foundation, Mr. Levi Leviev, the Chairman of the Council of the Federation of Jewish Communities of Ukraine, Rabbi Meir Stambler, and the chief rabbi of Dnepropetrovsk Shmuul Kaminetsky.
September 1995 - the grand opening of the school.
Karl Veniaminovich Blyakher became the first director of the women's pedagogical school.
1997 - the first graduation of students.
1998 - the college received a license from the Ministry of Education of Ukraine to train music directors for kindergartens in the specialty 5.020207 "Musical pedagogy and education"
1998 - on the basis of the Bet-Khan Women's Pedagogical School, the MAALE Educational Resource Center was established https://erc.org.ua/o-nas/obshchie-svedeniya for children with special needs, which over the years of work provided assistance to over 400 children and their parents.
In 2000, with the support of the World ORT Union, the Information Technology Center was opened.
2003 - Beit Hana Women's Pedagogical School was renamed into Beit Нana Women's Pedagogical College and becomes a source of teaching staff for the Ukrainian education system, including Hebrew schools and kindergartens.
In 2004, with the assistance of the Federation of Jewish Communities of Ukraine, a large-scale educational project was founded at the college, which was named "Beyahad" (translated from Hebrew - "together"). The college becomes an educational and methodological center for most institutions of secondary and preschool education in Ukraine with in-depth study of Hebrew, traditions and history of the Jewish people.
2005 - with the aim of introducing stepwise training of specialists, the educational complex "Crimean State Humanitarian University - Women's Pedagogical College" Bet-Нana "was created, thanks to which the idea of higher step-by-step education, bachelor - specialist - master, was realized for college students.
2007 - obtaining a license from the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine for the training of specialists of the educational qualification level "bachelor" in specialties 6.010101 "Preschool education" and 6.010102 "Primary education".
2010 - the first graduation of bachelors.
2010 - the first enrollment of the male group for the correspondence department.
2011 - obtaining a license to train foreign citizens in basic specialties, as well as to prepare foreign citizens for admission to higher educational institutions of Ukraine. The college became a higher educational institution, which trained pedagogical personnel not only for Ukraine, but also for countries around the world.
In the same year, the Bet-Hana Women's Pedagogical College was transformed into «The Beit-Hana International Humanitarian-Pedagogical Institute», which included the Humanitarian College and Higher Educational Institution "International Humanitarian Pedagogical Institute «Beit-Hana».
2013 - obtaining a license from the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine for training bachelors in specialties 6.030103 "Practical Psychology", 6.030504 "Economics of an Enterprise", a license from the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine to prepare citizens of Ukraine and foreign citizens for admission to higher educational institutions.
2014 - the All-Ukrainian scientific and practical seminar for employees of schools with in-depth study of Hebrew was held at the institute.
2017 was marked by the opening of a social and educational project of the University «Тhe Parental Education Institute», aimed at providing non-formal education services to the older generation. The mission of the project was personal development, meeting a wide range of educational and cultural needs of people of the third age. Since the start of the project, more than 50 participants have have attended courses of lectures by the leading teachers of the Institute on pedagogy, psychologists, sociology, philosophy, and Jewish tradition.
In the same year the Institute received the Certificate of State Registration of the Printed Mass Media: сollection of scientific works «Contemporary research in pedagogy and psychology» was published.
In 2018 the Institute received the License of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine for the preparation of masters in specialties 013 Primary education; 053 Psychology.
In the same year, the joint educational program of the Higher Educational Institution “International Humanitarian Pedagogical Institute «Beit Наna» and the Academic Pedagogical College“ Orot Israel ”(Israel, Elkana)“ Teacher of the Diaspora ”came into effect. The aim of the program is to obtain additional qualifications by the students of the Institute and the right to work as a teacher in the Diaspora countries. Over the years of work of the Institute, more than 800 students have graduated, who work in the education system of Ukraine, near and far abroad.
Vision:the institute is to form conditions for ensuring personal goal-setting of project-cultural collective-distributed activity through education - goal-setting in relation to the processes of globalization and regionalization on the planet and in Ukraine; in the formation of professional competence of future professionals in accordance with the requirements of real employers and stakeholders, the implementation of conditions of professional training and promotion of employment of graduates, continuous professional counseling in career development of teachers and psychologists as a specialist of the XXI century.
The mission of the institute is to further improve the person, provide conditions and mechanisms for the modern school to fully identify and increase the cultural potential of society, improving the mechanisms of personalized intellectual evolution, continuously modernizing tools self-disclosure and self-realization. of the individual in accordance with individual capabilities and in relation to universal, global, universal processes
The mission of the institute is to further develop and improve educational and professional programs in the areas (specialties) of training highly qualified figures in accordance with the requirements of quality education in the European educational space and creating future education through understanding wisdom and adhering to better ethnocultural traditions.
- anthropocentrism and tolerance on a humanistic basis;
- democracy in combination with education;
- scientific and academic integrity;
- leadership, associativity and student self-government;
- innovative and creative development;
- motivation to do good for all subjects of the educational process;
-transparency and openness of all procedures and activities of the Institute
the first (bachelor's) level of higher education
full-time / part-time form of study
012 Preschool education
013 Primary education
the second (master's) level of higher education
full-time / part-time form of study
013 Primary education
053 Psychology